Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Can we also bring crowns back home?YES WE CAN but opppps who are our local pageant judges

Pageant judges how good can they judge..

As the award winning"Best Model Trainer"in the UK known as the man who teaches all the girls to walk and am also a tv personality to ITV2/MTV,have worked with many pageants,fashion shows up to London Fashion Week this have given me a keen eye to fashion and what i look for when judging a pageant.Few years back i would host pageants on the island of st maarten and all my winners went on to win more than 1 crown after winning the contest i hosted why?Because i know what my judges must look for and i don't joke when it comes  to that department.....when i select i winner it's not only for that one night she needs to have what it takes to go regionally and internationally.......she must have what it takes standing next to other girls in top events as she is representing my title that she have won.Example D'shnay york won her first pageant when she was 2 which was a contest i hosted and went on to win 2 more now holds 3 crowns.......cherriane won the 2nd annual baby swimsuit show and went on to win the Junuir carnival queen pageant.......Vanessa won the model of the year contest i hosted and went on the win 2 more crowns now have 3 crowns........Tiffany won the future face of st maarten photo model contest and was now recently crowned Ms Pinchounette on french st maarten so she hold now 2 crowns......JUST TO NAME A FEW....WHY DO YOU THINK SO?my judges are carefully selected and are told what am looking for..........How often does a girl from st maarten win a pageant and go out and bring a crown back?hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes question that Dominica does it.......Antiqua does it..................Trinidad does it........................St.Kitts does it..................WHY CANT ST MAARTEN DO IT?.......think about it.

What must judges look for?
lets start by talent as i was on the island of St all the way living in London but as soon as i heard a certain talent i knew it was a judges sitting there don't even know,come on now.Other girls took time learning to play with fire,some was jumping off stage,some was doing some amazing dancing that was all put together by them...they have put in such hard work then one just go on you tube copy a talent and was awarded best talent ......GET OUT OF HERE WAKE UP,i have judge pageants before things like that fall as a 0 on my judging sheet create your own.How can you then be putting your hand on your cruch then the audience loves that......slackness is that what makes a queen.......A queen is style,confidence and lady like.Fashion Police supported D'shnay all the way and her talent is the strongest message there that night hands down .....after her talent was done 2 days later someone got shot in front of the carnival village.Name of her talent take a bite from crime which is on the rise world wide we all have known someone who have lost their life by crime.A talent must not be a copy am so tired of hearing all girls singing that song from calypso rose.....boaring.....BRING SOMETHING FRESH.We will soon be interviewing the girl who did this talent first in nevis and hear what she has to say about this.....hmmmm

Carnival costume?
When am looking at a costume am looking for culture when i see it from a distance i must know what it is no time to guess sorry,D'shnay custume brought st maarten culture alive with tanny and the boys who are true icons to the island.We keep talking all the crap on bringing and keep our culture and when we try they over look us......PUT YOUR GLASSES ON.....when we are talking about carnival i want to see culture and things that represent an island of your birth.........................

Culture wear
I never laughed so much with the design Ms D'shnay York had for her culture wear and was not awarded that prize.......What were you looking for,when am judging i don't need nothing to distract me all i need to see is the girl thats all.............................JUDGING NEEDS AN UPGRADE QUICK......Any one who sees that would know the honest truth but hey........WHERE ARE WE?

To all other pageants please have a criteria that meets very high just don't want a winner for one night you want a winner who will continue to go in top events and do the island proud,Jamaica does it....St.kitts does it........Dominica does it.......Antiqua does it..........................St.Maarten?

When a girl steps on stage you must be able to see her in other top events doing well,from evening gown....swimsuit.....talent and what ever other appearance their might be.judges should not listen the the noise the audience makes if you go by that then why are you there then?If this girl is a teen must carry herself like a teen if a senior must be lady like.I think a seminar should be done when selecting judges for pageants,and have the same judges for 5 years running is so not in.............GET REAL

Can St.Maarten start taking crowns outside the island.....................YES THEY CAN BUT ALL STARTS BY THE LOCAL SHOWS......................................WAKE UP

i speak what i feel from my many years in the business if you don't like what ever i may have said sorry for being real......Question why every year the amount of girls get less....THINK ABOUT IT.

If every year our girls was stealing talents from other shows the rest of the world would question us on our talents....ST MAARTEN HAS SUCH GREAT TALENT LETS WAKE UP FROM OUR SLEEPING SLUMBER AND BRING THOSE TALENTS ALIVE.

I want to see judges who are carefully selected once this is done watch this space look  how the island will start bringing crowns back home but again it all starts LOCAL

copying any talent should not be allowed unless you have the urge to change it up to your own style and liking.Again contestants are not the ones to be blamed.....chaperones who have no idea on what to do, and not  everyone can be a chaperone.Contestants are only doing what their coach tell them to do.

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